Social : Demonstrations, strikes, religion, migration, Dominican Republic, news... |

Haiti - Social: The First Lady, supports the Asylum St Vincent de Paul and the Sanatorium Sigueneau 28/05/2012 10:14:44 |
The Office of the First Lady of the Republic, represented by Ms. Mona Adam, proceeded, Friday, May 25, to the delivery of hundreds of medical equipment and medical kits to those responsible of the Asylum St Vincent de Paul and of Hospital Sanatorium... |
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Haiti - Social : «Ti Manman Cheri», 100,000 beneficiaries by the end of the year 28/05/2012 09:16:57 |
« This is a revolution in the country...» declared Laurent Lamothe, claiming that it is « a historic success for the Haitian families who have never benefited from such support.. |
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Haiti - Montreal : The Dream of the Maison d'Haïti takes shape... 27/05/2012 10:19:36 |
The official launch of its fundraising campaign this Sunday, May 27, is a great day for the Maison d'Haïti and marks the realization of his dream : of redeployment... |
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Haiti - Social : Risk of eviction for 300 families within 48 hours 27/05/2012 09:53:51 |
300 residents of Camp Mormon in the municipality of Delmas in Port-au-Prince, risk a forced eviction within 15 days either within 48 hours, have told to Amnesty International delegates the camp residents... |
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Haiti - Social : Official launch of the program «Ti Manman Cheri» 27/05/2012 09:08:43 |
The President Michel Martelly, accompanied by the Prime Minister, Laurent Salvador Lamothe, will proceed this Sunday, May 27, to the officially launched of the program « Ti Manman Cheri » to Cité Soleil, to the Institution Mixte Union des Apôtres... |
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Haiti - Social : The President Martelly wish a happy Mother's Day to all mothers 27/05/2012 08:13:38 |
On the occasion of Mother's Day, the President of the Republic, Michel Martelly, wish a happy Mother's Day to all mothers... |
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Haiti - Diaspora Florida : 3rd annual National Haitian American Forum 26/05/2012 08:50:02 |
The 3rd annual National Haitian American Forum to be held on May 26, 2012 from 4:30 p.m. in Palm Beach County Florida at Barton Elementary School, 1700 Barton Rd., Lake Worth... |
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Haiti - Diaspora : Procedures and cost of using of services of the ANH 24/05/2012 09:17:54 |
The National Archives of Haiti (ANH), notify the Haitian communities of the diaspora that measures are taken by the administration in order to provide services for processing the applications of requests of extract of archives abroad... |
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Haiti - Social : Official launch of the Programme of improvement of public services 23/05/2012 09:20:12 |
...the Head of State recalled, that the public institutions must absolutely moves towards the practice of participatory governance and of proximity, that meets modern technology and real needs of the population... |
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Haiti - Diaspora Atlanta : «The needle of Catherine Flon...» 22/05/2012 09:44:01 |
The Consul General of Haiti in Atlanta, Mr. Gandy Thomas during the day commemorating the 209th anniversary of the Haitian flag, delivered a patriotic speech... |
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