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Haiti - Diplomacy : Impact of the Mission in Vietnam, all details
21/12/2012 13:38:23

Haiti - Diplomacy : Impact of the Mission in Vietnam, all details
The Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, at the head of a delegation composed among others of Ministers Marie Carmelle Jean Marie (Economy and Finance), Thomas Jacques (Agriculture), the Director of the Office of Monetization of Program of Development Assistance (BMPAD) in order to discuss cooperation relations between the two states.

This official visit has allowed to Haiti to perform a diplomatic breakthrough in South-East Asia, particularly in Indochina and lead to major opportunities in the fields of agriculture, food safety, new technologies and the training.

Economic aspects :

  • The talks between the Prime Minister of Haiti and the Vietnam led to the signing of a joint declaration that paves the way to a very significant strengthening of economic and financial relations between the two states both in terms of technical cooperation or of strict standpoint of direct investments.
  • Intensive talks are being held between the Foreign Ministries of Vietnam and of Haiti for the upcoming signing of agreements in regard to the points raised in the joint statement.

  • Direct investment : some approaches are currently underway to allow Vietnamese enterprises operating in the field of textile, electronics, food to invest in the largest industrial park in the Caribbean "Caracol".

Vietnamese companies have been invited to participate in the reconstruction of Haiti in the field of infrastructure or electric energy or tourism. Haiti could also serve as a gateway for Vietnamese enterprises in the economic space of CARICOM. As part of the future implementation of these investments, talks are underway for the signing of an agreement on the protection and promotion of investment between the two countries.

In this framework an agreement was signed with Viettel for the implementation of a strategic partnership between the Vietnamese company and the Haitian State. This agreement will allow Vietnam:

  • Provide rice to Haitian schools through the Ministry of National Education ;
  • Connect all public schools in Haiti on broadband ;
  • Develop the Digital education system in Haiti.

As part of the implementation of the Joint Declaration, signed by the two Prime Ministers, an agreement was also signed by the Minister of Finance for the provision at a preferential rate of 250,000 tonnes of rice per year in Haiti. This agreement aims to protect Haiti from the vagaries of the international market and is part of the Government's policy on food security.

Technical cooperation :
Following the signing of the Joint Declaration between the Prime Ministers of Vietnam and Haiti, a high-level meeting was held between the Ministers of Agriculture of Vietnam and of Haiti. This meeting allowed the two parties to agree on future technical cooperation between the two countries in agriculture in general and rice in particular. A high-level Vietnamese Advisor will be available to the Prime Minister Laurent Lamothe in term of food safety.

Agricultural Technical Cooperation will focus on the following point :

  • The sending of Vietnamese experts in rice will be made ​​available to the Ministry of Agriculture.
  • The introduction Haiti on a permanent basis and progressive of system of rice production in the mountains. This will also effectively fight against soil erosion in Haiti.
  • The introduction of new rice varieties resistant to drought in Haiti.
  • The introduction in Haiti of a variety of rice that could produce 10 tons of rice per hectare.
  • The sending of Vietnamese experts in aquaculture in Haiti. The introduction of new fish species for aquaculture in Haiti. An agricultural mission Vietnamese of high level will be in Haiti in January for the signature. It is also envisaged the signing of a tripartite agreement between Haiti, Vietnam and FAO for boosting the agricultural sector and the strengthening of the food security program of the Government.

It is also envisaged in the short term the signing of a tripartite agreement between Vietnam, Haiti and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the construction of a laboratory of tissuculture and revitalization of varieties of local rice in Haiti.

Political aspects :

  • Au cours de sa visite le Premier ministre d 'Haïti s'est aussi mis d'accord avec les autorités du Vietnam sur un soutien mutuel stratégique entre les deux pays en ce qui a trait aux postes à pouvoir dans les organisations et commissions internationales. Cette alliance stratégique s'étendra aussi aux positions communes à adopter au sein de certaines instances comme le G77.
  • Le Vietnam souhaite bénéficier des conseils d'Haïti en ce qui a trait aux opérations des nations unies pour le maintien de la paix. Le gouvernement haïtien pourrait intervenir auprès des nations unies pour aider le Gouvernement vietnamien à atteindre cet objectif.
  • Vu la très grande importance que va prendre les relations entre le Vietnam et Haïti, il est envisagé d'ouvrir au moment opportun une ambassade à Hanoi.

Cultural aspects :
Talks are underway between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Haiti and that of Vietnam to strengthen cultural relations between the two countries. This cooperation takes shape through a cooperation agreement cultural and scientific between the two parties and will manifest itself the one hand by the exchange of experts between the two countries. Vietnam could also train Haitian filmmakers to develop the cultural industries in Haiti.

Note that the development of cultural relations between the two parties, may be possible through a tripartite agreement between Vietnam and Haiti the organization internationale de la francophonie. In this regard, it should be noted that Haiti will hold within the next fortnight of the Francophonie in March 2013 a week of Vietnam to Haiti. A Vietnamese writer will be invited by Haiti in this context. In order to better make know Haiti in Vietnam of fiction films and documentaries in Haiti will be screened on television or in the cultural centers of Vietnam.

A tripartite agreement between Vietnam, Haiti and UNESCO will also be able to be signed in the perspective of strengthening of cultural and scientific relations between the two countries.

See also :

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