
Haiti - Agriculture : Agriculture Sectoral Tables 05/09/2012 11:02:14
In order to ensure better coordination between public institutions, NGOs working in the agriculture sector and local authorities, the Ministry of Agriculture for more than six months has revived across the country a series of meetings named "Agriculture Sectoral Tables". The Department intends through these meetings guide the activities of these actors in the direction of the development policy defined for the country by the government.
Numerous are the NGOs in the country working in the agricultural sector. Ministry officials noted a lack of consistency in their actions. To put more order in the operations of these NGOs, they invite all of them, as well as town hall officials and farmers' organizations and of producers of the department, to gather once a month around the Departmental Director of the Ministry.
By ensuring a better coordination of stakeholders,the Agriculture Sectoral Tables will :
- allow NGOs to direct their activities in line with the development policy defined for the country by the government ;
- avoid duplication of activities ;
- help local authorities (Town Hall, CASEC) to participate in decisions concerning interventions in their area ;
- allow to obtain a better performance of human resources, financial and technical.
In this perspective, the Ministry of Agriculture has released a series of documents outlining its agricultural policy that should guide all stakeholders.
The sectoral tables should be organized every month in each department on a fixed date. After each meeting, managers must publish in Creole a summary of what was said and decided at the meeting.
List of authorities and institutions invited to participate in sectoral tables :
- Delegation (or vice Delegation)
- Departmental representative of the National Institute of Agrarian Reform (INARA)
- Representatives from each department Hall
- Departmental Directorate of the Ministry of Environment
- Other departmental entities of the state interested in the Sector
- NGOs with agricultural activities in the department (mandatory participation)
- Representatives of farmers' organizations and other regional associations of producers/entrepreneurs or socio-professional
- Representatives of the Ministry of Justice and the National Police
Calendar of meeting of Agriculture Sectoral Tables in the different departments :
- Artibonite (Bas Artibonite ODVA) - 3rd Wednesday of the month
- Artibonite (Haut Artibonite Gonaïves) - Last Wednesday of the month
- Centre (Lower Plateau) - 3rd Wednesday
- Centre (Highland) - 3rd Wednesday of the month
- Grand'Anse - Last Thursday of the month
- Nippes - 3rd Thursday of the month
- North - Last Friday of the month
- North East - Last Wednesday
- Northwest - Second Thursday of the month
- West (Croix-des-Bouquets) - Second Thursday of the month
- West (Léogane) - Last Wednesday
- South - Last Friday of the month
- Southeast (Jacmel)- Second Thursday of the month
- Southeast (Thiotte) - Last Thursday of the month
HL/ HaitiLibre