Haiti - Economy : The DGI and the Prime Minister give explanations... - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Economy : The DGI and the Prime Minister give explanations...
04/09/2012 11:15:35

Haiti - Economy : The DGI and the Prime Minister give explanations...
Monday, Jean Baptiste Neptune Clark, Director General of the Directorate General of Taxes (DGI) and the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe wished to clarify the list established by the DGI, of 66 businessmen and businesswomen and entrepreneurs, accused of not being in good standing with the DGI.

The Director of the DGI has wished to clarify "[...] The DGI is an institution which is there to enforce the tax laws. One of these laws is called - law on the forced recovery of debts of the state - and this law provides a procedure [...] concerning the list we talking about now, remember that the DGI had launched a campaign to raise awareness among taxpayers about the need to pay their taxes. Now, it is that there are people who came voluntarily and paid their taxes and others who have not shown and they are on the new list.

The request of ban of departure, is a measure purely conservatory, to show taxpayers that the administration is determined to pursue the recovery of its debts, by all means available to it by law. The people on this list did not responded to the requests from the tax authorities, so a process is running, that we are to follow to the letter.

If a taxpayer believes that he does not owe money, it is very simple, it just has to come with all its receipts, because in this area, there is reversibility of the charge of the evidence. As his name is listed as unpaid in the database of the DGI, the administration has a duty to pursue the recovery of its debts. Now, if you have paid, well you come here, you will sit down with us and then we'll deal with it, face to face, there is no problem at this level, there is no need to do a drama with that. If you are in good standing, you come, you provide to the tax authorities the debts paid and immediately we will remove your name from the list and the Government Commissioner will be informed that you are in good standing, so there will be a lifting of the ban of departure that hits you..."

For his part the Prime Minister explained that the taxpayer on the list "[...] Are people who collect on behalf of the State, 10% Tax on Turnover (TCA), amounts which must be repaid to the government. The DGI output a list with the amount received, which should have been returned to the State, and which were not. So, we ask these people to take all measures to ensure that the amounts they received for the State, to be delivered to the State.

We talk about the TCA, we are not talking about income tax, we do not target one person or another in particular, all those who have a business, are supposed to collect 10%, and return them to the DGI, that is, it is something completely normal and basic [...]

There was a list of 300 people three months ago, after that these people have been contacted by the DGI the list as decreased from 300 to 66. So we ask those 66 people, to contact the DGI and regularize their situation and it's over. This is how the country should work [...]

To meet the needs of the population [...] the State must have resources, you know, that state resources come from two sources, the customs to the tune of 77%, and for DGI the rest. So, to provide services to the population, we must have the means [...] the DGI only apply the law [...] we ask those concerned to contact the DGI, and to regularize their situation, so that together we make work the country..."

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