Haiti - Justice : 24-hour strike of judges and lawyers... 15/04/2012 10:40:31
Following the impossibility of obtaining the confirmation of a date, for the installation of the members already certified, of the Superior Council of Judicial Power (CSPJ), after the meeting Friday [date of an earlier ultimatum] with Me Michel Brunache the Minister of Justice, the Bars Federation of Haiti (FBH) and the National Association of Haitian Magistrates (ANAMAH), tired of the repeated postponements of these installations, have decided as a protest, a work stoppage of 24 hours on Monday.
The President of the ANAMAH reported that a meeting should take place next week with the Head of State and that, if they do not get satisfaction, lawyers and judges will have no other choice that initiate an indefinite strike throughout the territory.
Note that the paralysis of the judicial system would result not only to serious hardship to the population but will affect the numerous ongoing legal proceedings, which are often constraints to the respect of legal deadlines...
See also :
HL/ HaitiLibre