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Haiti - Environment : Haiti’s intervention at COP28
03/12/2023 10:09:22

Haiti - Environment : Haiti’s intervention at COP28
Friday, December 1st, 2023 at COP28 held in Dubai, (United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12), Ms. Gerty Pierre, Director of the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment of Haiti, participated in a discussion panel around the consideration of gender in the processes of national adaptation plans (NAP).

In her intervention, Ms. Pierre explained that taking gender into account in the process of Haiti's National Adaptation Plan was a high priority "During the entire process of developing Haiti's PNA, we have taken care to ensure equitable and effective participation of women and women's organizations [...] a way for us to ensure that adaptation measures do not result in an increase in the workload for women and a reduction in decision-making power. This is very important to us, because it is no secret that women, girls and boys experience the impacts of climate change differently and have different needs, opportunities and response capacities."

Let's remember that the NAP allows countries to identify their medium/long term priorities for adapting to climate change and to put in place the systems and capacities necessary to integrate adaptation into planning, decision-making and budgeting. .

Haiti's National Adaptation Plan is made up of 340 adaptation actions on a national scale, including 21 actions considered high priority. These mainly focus on climate-smart agriculture, irrigation infrastructure, integrated water resources management, reforestation and agroforestry, watershed development, capacity building and disease prevention. A total amount estimated at 980 million US dollars mobilizable through various national and international financing channels will be necessary for the implementation of the 21 high priority actions of this NAP.

Download the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) of Haiti (PDF in French 91 pages): https://www.haitilibre.com/docs/PNA_HAITI.pdf

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