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Haiti - News : Zapping...
09/06/2023 11:36:41

Haiti - News : Zapping...
Reinforcement of the security of the residences of Prime Minister
The head of the Prime Minister's Security Unit in a letter addressed to the Central Director of the Administrative Police (DCPA) dated June 5, 2023, requests the strengthening of the security system of the external perimeter of the Official and Private Residences of the Prime Minister, day and night, for the period from June 8 to 18, 2023.

Naive art and repression in Haiti
‍The Centre d'Art offers this Saturday, June 10, 2023, at 2 p.m., on its premises, the screening of the film "Naive Art and Repression in Haiti" (Art naïf et répression en Haïti). This film by director Arnold Antonin deals with a triple exploitation of naive art by the Duvalier dictatorship. At the end of the screening, a talk about the Haitian art market will be hosted by the cultural animator, Delano Morel. Centre d'Art #58, Rue Roy, Port-au-Prince

Distribution of rations to 47,965 people
In the West Department, the World Food Program (WFP) is providing hot meals, ready-to-eat rations and dry rations to 47,965 people, many of whom have already been affected by gang violence. The distributions have already started and will continue for about 15 days.

Rise in cholera cases, PAHO provides support
PAHO is supporting the MSPP/DSSE to increase the capacity to treat suspected cholera cases at St Michel Hospital in Jacmel, faced an increase in cases in the locality of Meyer.

Strong winds expected, be careful
An area of high pressure in the northeast Atlantic and a depression north of Colombia will create sustained winds over the central and eastern Caribbean. Gusty winds are forecast for Thursday June 8 and Friday June 9 in many parts of the country. Be careful and take the necessary precautions !

Precautions to take;

- Stay at home as much as possible
- Follow the weather forecast
- Watch out for falling trees or objects
- Avoid working on roofs during gusts of wind
- Store objects exposed to the wind.

Be careful

CARICOM Summit on the Haitian Crisis
Two days before the CARICOM summit on the Haitian crisis, several actors have already confirmed their participation in these meetings which will be held on June 11, 12 and 13 in Jamaica. Thirty actors were invited. The High Transitional Council has officially declined the invitation

CARICOM concerned
"The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has noted with deep concern reports of death, injuries and displacement in our sister Member State, Haiti, as a result of heavy rains and flooding over the past weekend https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-39716-haiti-flood-flash-51-dead-18-people-missing-and-nearly-40-000-families-affected-provisional-report-updated.html and the earthquake of June 6, 2023 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-39715-haiti-flash-first-provisional-assessment-of-the-earthquake-of-june-6-2023-grand-anse.html Our sincere condolences go out to those who now grieve the loss of loved ones, homes and livelihoods."

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