Haiti - Mexico : Signing of a cooperation agreement in scientific and technical training activities - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Mexico : Signing of a cooperation agreement in scientific and technical training activities
01/04/2023 09:13:59

Haiti - Mexico : Signing of a cooperation agreement in scientific and technical training activities
Friday, March 31, the Rector Fritz Deshommes of the State University of Haiti (UEH) signed a Framework Cooperation Agreement with the Latin American Institute of Educational Communication (ILCE) of Mexico represented by Dr. Salvador José Percastre Mendizabal Director General of the Institute. The ceremony was held in hybrid format online on the zoom platform and at the Rectorate in the presence of Rector Fritz Deshommes, the Ambassador of the United States of Mexico in Haiti (who signed as a witness), Daniel Alberto Camara Avalos, of the Secretary General of the UEH, Wilson Dorlus of the executives of the State University.

The purpose of this agreement is to establish the basis for the two parties to cooperate in carrying out scientific and technical training activities, through the organization and delivery of courses, diplomas, certifications, educational programs and other training academic, scientific and research events of mutual interest, face-to-face or remotely, as well as possibly activities of production or co-production and exchange of audiovisual material.

Established for a period of five years, the two parties undertake in this agreement to carry out activities in the following areas of cooperation :

  • Professional training and technical training through the organization and development of courses, diplomas and other academic events of common interest, face-to-face or remotely, in compliance with their respective academic requirements or the eligibility conditions that they will have established mutually with a view to achieving the objectives set out in this agreement;
  • Production or co-production of audiovisual and printed materials of a didactic nature, which can facilitate the achievement of the objectives and the accomplishment of the missions that each Party has assigned to itself;
  • Promotion of common projects that can provide answers applicable to the fields of scientific and technical knowledge according to the fields of competence of each Party dominates;
  • Scientific and technical advice for the achievement of programs, activities, objectives or functions developed within their respective institutions;
  • Joint promotion through respective broadcasters of scholarly, research, broadcast and informational activities sponsored by either Party;
  • Promotion of actions that lead to socio-educational progress through the media and advanced technological development, to achieve a better and wider distribution of services to the population and increase equal opportunities for all sectors of the the society ;
  • Development of technological platforms for virtual learning spaces designed and updated, through the use of information and communication technologies;
  • Cooperation between the Parties for the sharing of experiences in the field of research development, development strategies and information technologies.

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