Haiti - NOTICE : Master 2 scholarship, Registration open - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - NOTICE : Master 2 scholarship, Registration open
13/01/2023 08:05:46

Haiti - NOTICE : Master 2 scholarship, Registration open
The Master 2 scholarship campaign from the French Government, the Bank of the Republic of Haiti and the SOGEBANK Foundation for the 2023/2024 academic year is open until May 31, 2023.

How to apply:
These scholarships are intended for students of very good level wishing to continue their higher education at the level of the 2nd year of master's degree (M2) in a French public university.

At the same time as applying for a scholarship, candidates must apply for admission to the targeted training via the « Etudes en France ». procedure.

Documents to download:

These scholarships will be awarded in the following fields:

  • Economy, Finance, Governance
  • Science & Technology, Engineering Sciences
  • Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Rural Development
  • Town planning, Land use planning
  • Health (with the exception of “clinical” medical specializations)

Candidates can contact Espace Campus France in Haiti to obtain personalized guidance (campusfrance@institutfrancaishaiti.org).

Warning: Admissions obtained outside the "Études en France" procedure to establishments connected to it will not be considered. We invite candidates not to use application applications such as E-Candidat, Ciell2 or Apoflux. This software is reserved for candidates residing in France or in countries where the "Études en France" procedure is not present. Candidates must apply for admission through the "Études en France" procedure and apply only to establishments connected to it.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Be under the age of 35 on January 1 of the year of allocation;
  • Be of Haitian nationality and reside in Haiti;
  • Hold a university degree of at least BAC+4 level or equivalent in the field of study concerned;
  • Not having benefited from a scholarship or internship from the French Embassy in the previous three years.

Constitution of the file:

IMPORTANT: you can submit a scholarship file without the definitive authorization of registration from the university (but with the documents attesting to your application procedures for the training in question). Registration authorization will be requested if your application is accepted.

For health professionals, University Diplomas (DU), Interuniversity Diplomas (DIU) and certificates (CES) are postgraduate training. To be able to follow the practical part of this training, the interested parties must benefit from a status allowing the exercise of a care activity (most often Acting as Intern (FFI), within the framework of a Diploma of Specialized Medical Training (DFMS) and a Diploma of Advanced Specialized Medical Training (DFMSA), under penalty of illegal practice of medicine. in support of his application, an official document from the faculty of medicine attesting that the training envisaged does not provide for any exercise or practical training on a patient.

Registration for continuing and vocational training is not permitted.

Applications to business schools, certain engineering schools or Catholic Institutes will not be taken into account (tuition fees, which are often high, cannot be covered by scholarships).

Support Implementation:
1- Management:
In the event that your application has been accepted, the Cooperation Service of the Embassy of France will then proceed to the instruction of the files previously selected by the joint Franco-Haitian scholarship commission in conjunction with the French managing body, Campus France. , which will ensure:

  • Liaison with the scholarship recipient's host institution;
  • Payment of the monthly allowance;
  • Training fee regulations;
  • Getting started for the scholarship holder: booking and arranging prepaid plane tickets with identified travel agencies.

The award of a scholarship from the French Government makes it possible to obtain a (free) visa from the consular section of the French Embassy. However, it is necessary to respect the visa delivery deadlines and to anticipate your request. A welcome notice from Campus France, containing all the useful information upon arrival in France, will be given to the scholarship holder, in particular for transfers to the provinces.

2- End of studies:
Scholarship holders must send an end-of-stay report directly to the Cooperation Service of the French Embassy (study report with transcripts, certificate of achievement, etc...) within 60 days of the end of the study cycle.

General schedule:
All the documents requested must be submitted to the French Embassy in Haiti (Cooperation and Cultural Action Department) located at 51, rue Capois, Champs de Mars, Port-au-Prince (Tel: 29 99 90 27) , before the submission deadline set for May 31, 2023. Incomplete files or files submitted after this date will be systematically rejected.

June 1st to 16:
Analysis of the files by the Cooperation and Cultural Action Service of the French Embassy and pre-selection by a joint Franco-Haitian commission;

June 19 to 23:
Oral interview of shortlisted candidates; candidates not invited to an oral interview may consider that their file has not been accepted;

Week of June 26: publication of results; successful candidates will be contacted directly;

End of August: pre-departure preparation session with Espace Campus France.

Contact: Ms. Sandra JOSEPH, in charge of scholarship monitoring and management at the French Embassy in Haiti (sandra.joseph@diplomatie.gouv.fr / 29 99 90 27), will contact you for the implementation of the system support, if your application has been accepted.

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