
Haiti - FLASH : Haiti crosses the bar of 800 cases 23/05/2020 06:18:26
The Ministry of Public Health informs that 78 new cases have been confirmed, for a total of 812 in Haiti (39.8% women and 60.2% men) since the first case (March 19, 2020) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30319-haiti-health-origin-of-the-first-2-cases-of-covid-19-in-haiti.html
The number of active cases in Haiti (minus deaths and cures) now stands at 765 (+ 11.19%) +77 cases (the day before: +68 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-30833-haiti-flash-734-infected-people-and-2-519-suspected-cases.html ).
1 new healing was recorded bringing the total to 22.
Number of suspected cases followed : 2,582 (+ 2.5%) +63 cases (the day before +167).
People hospitalized: 282 (unchanged).
Home quarantine: 1,171 (-267).
All the details in our daily report of 11:00 m
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S/ HaitiLibre