Haiti - DR : The Dominican Republic strengthens its border with a 6th interagency base - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - DR : The Dominican Republic strengthens its border with a 6th interagency base
23/12/2019 09:31:21

Haiti - DR : The Dominican Republic strengthens its border with a 6th interagency base
The Dominican Republic has increased its control and surveillance posts on the border with Haiti with the inauguration last week of a new inter-agency base in Estero Hondo (Province of Puerto Plata), a sensitive area of ​​the North Coast according to the Ministry of the defense.

It is the 6th base that the Dominicans build and put into service, after those that operate in Jicomé, Los Pilones, Copey, Enriquillo and the base of El Carrizal of Elías Piña. The 7th base out of 10 planned is under construction in Mal Paso, Jimaní, the border post which communicates more, a major axis of access to Port-au-Prince it is at this post that the 17 km of "perimeter" wall will be built according to the same characteristics as that of El Carrizal.

Remember that the objective of these interagency bases is to execute joint operations : security, intelligence, surveillance and border control.

The Dominican Defense Ministry recalled that these joint operations "[…] allowed a drastic reduction in the smuggling of goods, better control of the illegal migration of Haitians, the drug trafficking, the smuggling of weapons and vehicles and effective actions to prevent transnational crime, as well as the possibility of prosecuting border crimes [...]"

He indicated that these interagency bases have state-of-the-art equipment (X-rays, optical readers, manual detectors, scanners, video surveillance, high-resolution drones equipped with night vision, geographic information system) but also vehicles all-terrain (buggies, vans and motorcycles) and a canine unit for drug detection.

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