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![]() Haiti - FLASH : Deputy Tardieu publicly accuses President Moses Moïse 03/06/2019 09:08:05
Letter from Deputy Jerry Tardieu : "Today it takes almost 100 gourdes to buy a US dollar ! After two years in office of President Jovenel Moïse, the purchasing power of the Haitian people has dropped by half. In the poorest country in the hemisphere, Haitians have become twice as poor in two years and almost three times poorer in seven years since the dollar was trading at around 40 gourdes in 2011 when Michel Martelly was sworn in as 47th President of the Republic. Given the amateurism and arrogance that characterize the current governance, I accuse ! I first accuse the President of the Republic Jovenel Moïse, Head of State and guarantor of the institutions to have endorsed the administrative mismanagement and the financial excesses that have widened the deficit and caused the current economic and financial rout. I accuse the President of the Republic of having weakened if not destroyed public institutions and plunge the country into a social, financial, moral, security, institutional and soon electoral crisis. I accuse the first official of the State to desacralize the presidential function for having participated in the embezzlement of PetroCaribe funds as reported by the Superior Court of Accounts and Administrative Disputes (CSC/CA) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27879-haiti-petrocaribe-flash-csc-ca-implicates-jovenel-moise-in-a-case-of-embezzlement.html . President Moïse is accused of being at the heart of a scheme of embezzlement benefiting his private companies which have been granted by favoritism contracts of road rehabilitation. These accusations aggravated the enormous deficit of confidence that the President of the Republic was already dragging. They amplify the crisis that is now reaching its climax. I accuse the President of the Republic of being unable to gather the forces of the Nation around a table for an inclusive, open and unconditional dialogue. He lost all moral power of summoning. I accuse the Executive of appealing to armed gangs to control the perimeters of certain neighborhoods, which are in the illusion that such practices can keep it in power. As a result, human rights organizations have reported killings in several working-class neighborhoods where citizens are delivered to outlaws who engage in acts of rape, kidnapping and murder with impunity. I accuse the President of the Republic of using his parliamentary majority (PHTK and allies) to support his excesses and thus endorse the erroneous decisions that led us to the multifaceted crisis we are experiencing. On the way, I put the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Gary Bodeau on guard against a last minute perverse maneuver of the presidential majority who threatens to resign en bloc https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-27873-haiti-flash-the-future-of-parliament-in-the-hands-of-the-deputies.html . The purpose of this maneuver is to allow Jovenel Moïse to see the lapse of Parliament to govern by decree and avoid his indictment in light of the latest revelations of the CSC/CA. I accuse the President of the Republic of having ordered the Director General of the ONI to sign a fraudulent contract with the firm Dermalog to manufacture new electoral cards in violation of the laws on the award of public contracts. This act has come to mortgaging our fledgling democracy ever since it tainted the current voter registration process and cast a heavy veil of suspicion on the holding of any election under the auspices of this government. I finally accuse the President of the Republic of having turned a deaf ear to the many warnings asking him to put Haiti ahead of his political and personal interests. For not having resigned when it was necessary to facilitate a Republican crisis, orderly and peaceful, Jovenel Moïse made the choice to lead the country towards the breakup. In these dark times, he is still immersed in a silence that reflects a contempt for the citizens to whom he owes explanations. The crisis has gone on too long. It has come time for society to wake up and find a definitive solution to which the President and the international community will have to comply. For that, two steps are essential as soon as possible. The first is that the vital sectors of civil society, at the invitation of "Religion for Peace" (credible moral entity), meet urgently in a patriotic forum where they will discuss, according to a pre-established agenda and without any interference the executive power, format and duration of a national conference. The second stage is the national conference itself, where it will be necessary to find a political agreement around the mandate of a president who is out of total trust with the population, the holding of the PetroCaribe trial, the formation of the CEP, the organization of the elections, the revision of the constitution and an emergency economic program. From this conference will emerge a consensus Prime Minister with the ability, scope and credibility to inspire confidence and manage the government until the next elections. I therefore make a solemn appeal for the associative movement of the country to fulfill its patriotic duty in this moment of unprecedented national crisis or there are very few moral authorities. It is up to the forces of the nation to mediate between the political forces to propose a truly Haitian solution enjoying popular support. Haitians, it's the end of resigned fatalism ! The hour of the citizen awakening has arrived. Let's turn on the torch of hope again. We owe it to future generations." HL/ HaitiLibre
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