
Haiti - Humanitarian : The first American soldiers are arrived 04/04/2011 10:20:42
150 American soldiers are arrived in Haiti on Sunday. They are part of Task Force Bon Vwazen and will be deployed in Haiti as part of the humanitarian mission, "New Horizon 2011". The humanitarian mission will continue the work begun by the New Horizons mission 2010 that began June 15, 2010 https://www.haitilibre.com/article-392-haiti-humanitaire-mission-nouveaux-horizon-haiti-en-action- in-the-artibonite.html (in french)
The mission New Horizon 2011 will remain in Haiti until 2011 and will include a total of about 500 people. It will provide care and medical treatment for local people and will build a school and clinics. The Mission New Horizon 2011 will be also composed of soldiers from Canada, Colombia and Belize.
Jon Pietchowski, the spokesman for the American Embassy has formally denied the rumor which affirmed that these American soldiers had come to strengthen security in Haiti during the publication of election results.
See also :
https://www.haitilibre.com/article-392-haiti-humanitaire-mission-nouveaux-horizon-haiti-en-action-dans-l-artibonite.html (in french)
S/ HaitiLibre