Haiti - FLASH : Readjustment of school fees in public schools - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - FLASH : Readjustment of school fees in public schools
16/08/2017 08:16:59

Haiti - FLASH : Readjustment of school fees in public schools
At 3 weeks of the school year scheduled for Monday, 4 September, Pierre Josué A. Cadet, Minister of Education, informed in a circular dated 11 August last that the Ministry has set at 1,000 gourdes (thousand gourdes), the school fees in public schools for the third cycle of the fundamental and the secondary, starting from the academic year 2017-2018.

The Minister Cadet precise in its circular that "the amount must be used for the cleaning work of educational institutions, and to provide services such as making brochures and buying sheets for examinations including" Later, he recalled that school fees for the first and second cycles are prohibited.

The Minister calls upon the Departmental Directors, with the support of the inspectors, to take all necessary steps to ensure the full implementation of this provision.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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