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Haiti - Justice : Strengthening the capacity of justice sector
15/01/2011 10:08:13

Haiti - Justice : Strengthening the capacity of justice sector
As part of its project "Rule of Law", which aims to strengthen the capacity of justice sector and public security, the United Nations Development Programme United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) delivered this week, to the Ministry of Justice and Public Security (MJSP), a facility semi-provisional of 250 sqm equipped with 30 workstations.

Our partnership with UNDP is of long date and since January 12, its support has increased to rebuild the services of the Ministry, which were severely affected by the earthquake. This new space is added to a list of initiatives that have allowed the Ministry to be operational again," said André Antoine, the director general of MJSP.

The inauguration was accompanied by the delivery of 82.000 folders of judicial information to the responsible of MJSP. Developed by MJSP in close coordination with UNDP, this management tool is composed of several folders of different colors depending on the type of lawsuits. These folders information will enable better management and distribution of court cases and at the same time facilitate the production of reports and records (notices) that courts must send monthly to the judicial authorities. The information that will be collected and harmonized on the national territory will facilitate the establishment of a judicial database.

The delivery of the judicial folders is just the first step. UNDP is currently working on a project to build a copy center in MJSP to enable the Ministry to produce the folders himself and other procedural document.

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