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Haiti - Humanitarian : The Haitians survive mainly thanks to NGOs
04/01/2011 09:26:38

Haiti - Humanitarian : The Haitians survive mainly thanks to NGOs
For one year, the numerous donations received throughout the world, nearly $3 billion of which a large part of private donations, were used to finance massive humanitarian operations that continue today. But locally, the conditions of survival are extremely precarious and people of Haiti for several months accumulating disaster, frustration and disillusionment. It is therefore not surprising to see in this election period extremely sensitive, sometimes virulent criticism arise against the United Nations the states and sometimes the humanitarians.

If the Haitian and international emergency teams, even criticized, have allowed, a time of respond to vital needs, The states are, they, although far from the account as regards rebuilding. Of the 10 billion dollars pledged in March 2010 during the conference in New York by international donors and UN member states, only a few hundred million have been disbursed.

A year after the earthquake, the issue in Haiti is at the same time the necessary continuation of relief, but also and especially the reconstruction, failed, and yet as expected. If these promises are not kept, Haiti could live a second quake, this one economic, social and therefore political.

The earthquake knocked down a health system very fragile and unfair. To cope, the Haitian Ministry of Health has established an interim plan of reconstruction. But a year later, despite its efforts, the plan is moving too slowly. These are mainly NGOs that try to meet needs and manage today the new emergency cholera . The Haitian government, paralyzed by the lack of funds pledged by member states, is struggling to get up and initiate a reconstruction of a sustainable health system.

Management of cholera cases, medical consultations and reproductive health, immunization, nutrition screening, special monitoring of women and children, support for victims of violence and psychological post-trauma support... For one year, teams of Médecins du Monde provide access to multidisciplinary care.

  • More of 580,000 medical consultations, including 800 surgeries performed since the earthquake. On average, about 9,250 medical consultations performed each week, including 20% for children under 5 years and 12% for pregnant women.
  • To cope with the epidemic of cholera: 5 CTC (Cholera Treatment Centre) from 40 to 50 beds each and 11 UTC (cholera treatment unit) dedicated to oral and intravenous rehydration.
  • 4 areas of intervention: Port au Prince, Gonaives region, Grande Anse and Nippes
  • In Port au Prince: 8 clinics fixe in tents in the IDP camps and slums
  • Four mobile clinics operating on 16 sites of Cité Soleil
  • In the region of Gonaives: support to the Petit Goave hospital and 10 health centers
  • In Grande Anse: support to the Hospital of Jérémie and 11 health centers
  • 1.268 member of Medecins du Monde on site, whose 95% are Haitians.

Update on donations received / expenditures :

In France, Medecins du Monde has collected 9.5 million whose six million from private donations. In 2010, 6.5 million have been spent and the association will commit $4 million in 2011. The international network of Médecins du Monde has received 18.8 million euros. More than 10.4 million has been spent (until November 1st) and 8.4 million were committed for the late 2010 and 2011.

HL/ S/ MdF

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