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Haiti - FLASH : Publication of final results, possible delay
16/12/2016 08:06:49

Haiti - FLASH : Publication of final results, possible delay
Me Carlos Hercule, Electoral Adviser (Representative of the Catholic Church) and Vice President of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP) qualifies the challenge of Advisers sitting on the Electoral Tribunal, which led to the postponement of the hearings of the 3 contesting candidates https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-19518-haiti-flash-bcen-hearings-postponed-sine-die.html of "dilatory approach" at the service of a "blocking strategy".

The CEP should decide quickly on the formation of theOffice of the National Electoral Litigation (BCEN), indicated Carlos Hercule which specifies that it is not the challenge of the protest parties that are transferred to the CEP but the requests of recusation.

He furthermore explained that the challenge of advisers who had not signed the preliminary results of the presidential election by the PHTK for conflicts of interest followed by the disqualification by the protest parties of CEP advisers who signed these results led to saying that the BCEN should sit without the presence of CEP members, which is totally illegal, since the Electoral Council providing that the two advisers should be part of the 5 sitting judges at the BCEN.

Faced with this obvious desire to block of protesters, Carlos Hercules does not rule out the possibility that the delay in the holding of hearings of the BCEN, also delays the publication of the final results of the presidential scheduled for December 29.

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