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Haiti - Elections : The Group of 12 reaffirmed its commitment
14/12/2010 15:23:10

Haiti - Elections : The Group of 12 reaffirmed its commitment
In a statement, the "Group of 12" reaffirms its position and commitment to the cancellation of elections of November 28, that it qualifies of "electoral masquerade". Remember that all candidates who demand the cancellation (without Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly who have disassociated themselves from the group) together represent 22.2% of the votes cast by voters during the elctions day.

We, the twelve presidential candidates calling for the annulment of the electoral masquerade that turned into a national crisis, urge all national and international political actors who are interested, to the dialog in order to lead to the only equitable solution for the Haitian society, which remains purely and simply cancellation elections of November 28th, 2010.

The enormity of the denial of the most sacred right of the Haitian people to choose freely their leaders, measures itself with the extent of the popular demonstrations thus caused. We regret the sad loss of life. We deplore the reckless destruction of property both public and private unspeakable attacks perpetrated against the media, journalists and other media workers, partners irreplaceable for a Democratic Society. These acts of violence are against the very essence of democracy. It is up to all those concerned to actively engage to prevent the country moves further into chaos.

We, the twelve presidential candidates, reiterate our commitment to the nation to work tirelessly on all fronts to obtain the cancellation of the fraudulent elections of November 28, 2010 and to ensure, without discrimination, the restoration of voting rights of the Haitian citizen of his right to aspire to democracy. We will continue to support the Haitian people in the exercise of all its constitutional rights, including the right to choose freely their representatives, to claim their rights and peaceful protest in full respect of the physical integrity and the property of its citizens and political choices of each.

List of candidates who have asked for annulment of the elections last November 28:
Charles Henri Baker "Regwoupman sitwayen pou espwa (Respè)»
Jean Henry Céant "Renmen Ayiti"
Joseph Michel Martelly "Repons peyizan" (disassociated)
Leslie Voltaire "Ansanm nou fò"
Jacques Edouard Alexis "Mobilisation pour le Progrès d'Haïti (MPH)"
Jeudy Wilson "Fòs 2010"
Josette Bijou (Indépendante)
Erick Smarcki Charles "Parti de l’Évolution nationale d’Haïti (PENH)"
Jean Chavannes Jeune "Alliance Chrétienne Citoyenne pour la Reconstruction d’Haïti (ACCRHA)"
Garaudy Laguerre "(WOZO)"
Leon Jeune "Konbit liberasyon ekonomik (KLE)"
Mirlande Hyppolite Manigat "Rassemblement des démocrates nationaux progressistes (RDNP)" (disassociated)

Génard Joseph (Groupement Solidarité), arrived at the declaration of annulment of the vote, endorsed the position of the 12. After the conference, Yves Cristalin "Oganizasyon Lavni (LAVNI)" and Yvon Neptune "Ayisyen Pou Ayiti" have spoken in favor of canceling the poll.

Bringing to 15 out of 18 the number of presidential candidates demanding, November 28, the cancellation of elections.

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