Haiti - Social : Monitoring of work of the agricultural road Furcy - Nan Panyol - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Social : Monitoring of work of the agricultural road Furcy - Nan Panyol
31/07/2016 11:00:03

Haiti - Social : Monitoring of work of the agricultural road Furcy - Nan Panyol
On Friday, a delegation of the Foundation Dr. Louis G. Lamothe (FLGL), accompanied by executives of the Haitian firm GS Group, conducted a second monitoring mission of the construction work of the 2.6 km of agricultural road between Furcy and Nan Panyol (Kenscoff) whose works started last Wednesday, 6 July https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-17954-haiti-social-the-dr-louis-g-lamothe-foundation-fulfills-its-promises.html

This road will facilitate the opening up of this community and the development of its transport infrastructure, is executed by GS Group and funded by the Digicel Foundation on request of the FLGL.

After four weeks, the excavation works were carried out on 1.6 km while it still remains 1.06 km before arriving at the Nan Panyol school. Work is progressing at an acceptable pace, considering the frequency of rain, which makes it more difficult for technicians.

The site visit confirmed the need to install nozzles in the passages in the gullies, to evacuate water resurgences, otherwise the sections concerned will be impassable in the rainy season.

To the great satisfaction of the population, motorcyclists have already started attending the first kilometer of road completed.

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