Haiti - Justice : New investigation against the founder of the orphanage St. Joseph's House - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Justice : New investigation against the founder of the orphanage St. Joseph's House
01/11/2015 09:40:45

Haiti - Justice : New investigation against the founder of the orphanage St. Joseph's House
Saturday, the Haitian justice has opened an investigation into new allegations of assault on minors, against American Michael Geilenfeld, a native of Iowa, Founder in 1985 of the orphanage St. Joseph's House in Port-au-Prince. The investigation comes as another complaint accusing Michael Geilenfeld was appealed.

Let's recall that Michael Geilenfeld, who has always maintained his innocence, was arrested in September 2014 following a accusations of sexual abuse by five former residents of the orphanage. He was imprisoned in September 2014 during 8 months before being found innocent and released on April 29 2015 https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-13742-haiti-justice-the-founder-of-the-orphanage-maison-saint-joseph-acquitted-and-released.html after a judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence during a trial at which none of the 5 complainants, now adults, were present.

Moreover, a few months ago, a US jury had sentenced a resident of Maine to pay 14.5 million dollars to Mr. Geilenfeld for having made against him, false accusations of sexual abuse of Haitian children.

An arrest warrant was issued in Haiti by the prosecutor against Michael Geilenfeld.

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