
Haiti - Environment : Prime Minister and Muhammad Yunus discussed of an agro-forestry project 25/09/2014 12:45:58
Wednesday on the sidelines of the 69th regular session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe met in New York with the Nobel Peace Prize 2006, Muhammad Yunus, around a project of social business that he intends to develop in Haiti to help create jobs and reduce the country's dependence vis-à-vis the international.
On this occasion, Mr. Yunus congratulated the Head of the Haitian government that has set up a dozen social enterprises throughout the country https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-6897-haiti-economy-muhammad-yunus-announces-the-funding-of-several-projects-in-haiti.html A fund of US$ 2 million is already available to continue to support innovative ideas of young entrepreneurs.
Moreover, the Bangladeshi economist, intends to contribute to the reforestation of the country through an agro-forestry project, a way to encourage people to protect the forests and accelerate reforestation of the country which is one of the main priorities of the Haitian Government. The Prime Minister welcomed the initiative, which is part of the vision of the Head of State to boost job creation and provide a pleasant living environmentfor all Haitians.
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HL/ HaitiLibre