Haiti - Politic : Promulgation of the Law on the Prevention and Suppression of Corruption - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Politic : Promulgation of the Law on the Prevention and Suppression of Corruption
08/05/2014 11:40:18

Haiti - Politic : Promulgation of the Law on the Prevention and Suppression of Corruption
Wednesday, during a ceremony at the National Palace, President Michel Martelly, in the presence of the Director General of the Unit for Combating Corruption, Mr. Antoine Atouriste, the President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary, Me Anel Alexis Joseph, the presidents of anti-corruption commissions in Parliament, Members of the Ministerial cabinet, Members of the Private Cabinet of the President of the Republic, Directors General of decentralized state agencies and representatives of international organizations in the fight against corruption, proceeded to the enactment of the law on the prevention and suppression of corruption.

In his speech, the Head of State emphasized on the efforts of his administration to fight effectively against the scourge of corruption "The solemnity of the ceremony reflects the importance my Government attaches to the fight against Corruption and the obvious desire to give the country a legal framework with deterrent and repressive effects that help legal and financial institutions in the repatriation of State funds diverted," recalling the contribution of the Heritage Foundation, a division of Transparency International in the development of this legislation, drafted in 2007, passed by the Senate of the Republic in May 2013 and adopted March 11, 2014 by the Lower House.

Antoine Atouriste, Director of the Unit for Combating Corruption (ULCC) recalled the specifics of this new law that penalizes some very common practice in Haiti, including: conflicts of interest in the award of contracts; nepotism; sharing internal information on procurement; sexual harassment at the place of those seeking employment, particularly women; extortion; illicit enrichment; laundering the proceeds of crime; diversion and embezzlement of public property; bribes; overcharging; influence peddling and secret funding of political parties.

The enactment of this new law shows, once again, the determination of the administration Martelly to fight crime in all its forms, strengthen the rule of law and to continue to promote its policy of zero tolerance against corruption. In this sense,

The Head of State continues to promote its policy of zero tolerance against corruption, invited everyone to work for the strict application of the law.

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