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Haiti - Politic : Dr. Garry Conille met the FENAMH 27/09/2011 16:06:28 |
Sunday, the Prime Minister-designate, Dr. Garry Conille, met behind closed doors, about twenty mayors, members of the National Federation of Haitian Mayors (FENAMH). During the meeting... |
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Haiti - Politic : Departmental Forum of Northeast on public policy 27/09/2011 15:01:32 |
The Departmental Forum of Northeast on public policy, was held in Fort-Liberté. At that time, the priorities of the population of this department have been submitted to the highest Haitian authorities... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Port-au-Prince is the worst place where to rebuild 27/09/2011 13:31:50 |
For Mr. Kouchner, co-founder of Doctors Without Borders physician and founder of Médecin du Monde the international community makes a mistake by focusing the reconstruction of Haiti in the capital... |
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Haiti - Justice : Disagreement on the list of candidates to the Court of Cassation 27/09/2011 12:29:15 |
sThe Senator Youri Latortue, President of the Commission Justice and Security of the Senate has indicated that the list of candidates for judges of the Court of Cassation had been returned by the President for non-compliance... |
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Haiti - Politic : The Commission of the Senate postpones the submission of the report of Dr. Conille 27/09/2011 11:08:51 |
The President of the Special Commission in charge of analyzing documents of PM-designate, the Senator Simon Dieuseul Desras has announced yesterday that the report on the ratification of Dr. Garry Conille, which was be ready early this week is postponed... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Electricity a priority of President Martelly 27/09/2011 09:25:20 |
The President Martelly said he was aware of various problems related to energy in Haiti, recalling that the EDH, state company responsible for the distribution of electricity in the country, has only 200,000 subscribers... |
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Haiti - Humanitarian : Valerie Amos in Haiti on Wednesday 26/09/2011 16:34:41 |
Valerie Amos, the United Nations Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, will be in Haiti on September 28 and 29, 2011 to review the humanitarian situation... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Official visit of the President of Ecuador, Rafael Correa 26/09/2011 15:42:18 |
The President Michel Martelly, will receive tomorrow Tuesday, September 27 at 12:30 pm, his Ecuadorian counterpart, Rafael Correa Delgado for an official visit of a few hours as part of the bilateral relations... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : 47 families pass from the dream to reality 26/09/2011 15:26:26 |
The Support Group for Returnees and Refugees (GARR) has inaugurated in Lacolline and Décauville, 47 housing units for displaced families. Each unit has two bedrooms, a dining room, kitchen and a small gallery... |
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Haiti - Reconstruction : Rehabilitation of the Courthouse of Jacmel 26/09/2011 14:30:44 |
The two-story building, erected in 1908, which covers an area of 160 m2 in the historic district and which houses the Courthouse of Jacmel, was, despite its esistance, severely damaged by... |
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