Haiti - Japan : Donation of more than $450,000 for education and the environment - HaitiLibre.com : Haiti news 7/7
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Haiti - Japan : Donation of more than $450,000 for education and the environment
25/03/2012 11:56:02

Haiti - Japan : Donation of more than $450,000 for education and the environment
Thursday, Kentaro Minami, Ambassador of Japan accredited to Haiti has signed 4 projects (CEEOP-OGTADEC-APT-ADS) for a value of more than 450,000 U.S. dollars in the fields of education and the environment. Was present at the signing session, Mr. the Coordinator of the Organization "Tet Ansanm" for the Development of Ennery/ Chemin Neuf, Luc Charlecius CHARLECIN, Mr. the Founding Director of Centre d'Espoir des Enfants Orphelins of Péligre (CEEOP), James Fede DORSAINT-VIL, Ms. the Coordinator General of Aji Pou Timoun (APT), Kerline BERNARD and Mr. the Coordinator of the Association for the Development of Savane Ronde (ADS), Stephen OSIAS.

OGTADEC : (112,283 dollars)
The "Construction project of the Community School of Haut Chemin Neuf" is intended to provide a permanent structure and safe to this school that for years, is housed in a church of the area. This project is composed of two components :

  • The construction of 6 classrooms and of administration block ;
  • The complete equipment of 6 classrooms.

APT : (122,618 dollars)
For Aji pou Timoun, it is the "Construction project of the community school K-Yvon". This new building will replace the pergola in which courses were taught to students. The new construction will allow to 200 students of the communal section of Belle-Rivière, to take back the way of the school and at the same time, will play a crucial role in decreasing juvenile crime in the town of Miragoâne.

CEEOP : (109,057 dollars)
The Centre d’Espoir des Enfants Orphelins of Péligre (CEEOP) has for main task to supervise children in need, especially orphans of Mirebalais, by offering them a place where to live and an appropriate training. The latter task was difficult because the school was operating in the same space that the orphanage. Therefore, the construction of the School Mixte Espoir of Péligre aims to serve over 150 children who are struggling to access basic education at the level of Décoville, neighborhood of Mirebalais. This funding also covers the construction and acquisition of furniture of the school.

ADS : (109.875 dollars)
The APL program has already inaugurated this year a project of soil conservation at the level of Department of Artibonite. This, in order to limit the future risk of disasters, often fatal to the people of this department already heavily damaged by the passage of recent natural disasters. It is in this perspective that the project of the Association for the Development of Savane Ronde (ADS), as also chosen this year. The "Project of reforestation and soil conservation" includes among others :

  • Treatment of 3.2 km of gullies ;
  • The protection and correction of about 15 hectares of land ;
  • the planting of 12,000 fruit trees and 10,000 forest trees ;

A set of synergistic approaches to protect the people living downstream of the basins concerned.

These are all small-scale actions, but which in the long term, will ensure, by their multiplier effects, the socio-economic development of each of the areas concerned. These are also actions whose success will be compromised, if no common awareness is felt on the side of residents in these departments beneficiaries. It reverts to you dear friends here present, to be the guarantors of the proper operation of these projects. I encourage you to be of models undeniable in the management of funds allocated to you. I wish that the structures bequeathed to you will receive adequate maintenance on a regular basis in order to be able to show for a long time, the upport of Japan alongside the Haitian people.

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