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Haiti - Training : 30 young graduates for call centers
04/04/2016 10:45:53

Haiti - Training : 30 young graduates for call centers
Saturday at the Marriott Hotel, as part of a pilot program in collaboration with Digicel, the Investment Facilitation Centre (IFC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the Avasant Foundation proceeded to the delivery of diploma to about thirty youth aged 18 to 26, who have successfully completed training of four weeks, enabling them to get a job in the industry of Call Centers in Haiti.

This pilot program was aimed at promoting the development of skills and facilitate employment opportunities via outsourcing service providers of business processes. The design and results of the pilot program had the objectives to provide practical training for skills development and knowledge base for the sector of information technology and communication and the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) https://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-16192-haiti-economy-the-bpo-sector-a-promising-market-of-13-000-jobs.html

Learn more about the Foundation Avasant :
The Avasant Foundation, Californian organization non-profit (501 (C) 3) aims to create programs and partnerships that provide opportunities for young people with undeveloped potential and living in emerging economies, focusing on job creation and community empowerment through skills development services and technology.

The Avasant Foundation actively participates in the Impact Sourcing which is defined as employing socio-economically disadvantaged people as the main workers in subcontracting centers to provide high quality services based on the information for national and international clients.

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